Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lessons for my Daughters...

I have toyed with the idea of fully committing to the blogging thing (and making this blog public) for a while now, and I finally decided today that the time has come. It's all in... 
The following is my facebook post from last night, election night. I have added a few things and cleaned up some others, but it's basically exactly the same post.

Obviously emotions are running high, and maybe that's partly a good thing. As someone who teaches against apathy, seeing people who are actively involved in the democratic process greatly encourages me. My daughters will awaken tomorrow morning and they will be sorely disappointed. However, here are the things I want them to learn from today:

1. We GET to have a say. As disappointing as the result
s are at times, at least there ARE results. I can live with my guy losing (although there was no one in this election I could call "my guy") as long as I had a chance of him winning. 

2. The beauty is in the process. We will all wake up tomorrow and carry on with life. If power had shifted, it would do so peaceably in January. This country and our process is a beautiful thing and no ignorant talk of "I'll just move to____" will ever come out of my mouth... Not when so many would give up so much to get here. Not when so many HAVE given up so much for ME to be here.

3. No matter what side of the issues you fall on, every "issue" represents PEOPLE. We must always stand for just treatment of PEOPLE. And the bashing and hate will not advance any cause or glorify any person. We respect the office and therefore will not speak ill of the man. I sincerely hope my daughters will not hear people they respect and look up to (especially those who are Christian role models to them) setting forth a terrible example of disrespect of another human. We may not agree at all with policy, but that's not an excuse to bash a fellow man. 

4. Our hope is not of this world. No president can save us and by that same token, no president can destroy us. We will pray together for our President's second term and for him and his family and we will continue our prayers for America. We heard a statement today that "God has left America." I was able to take that opportunity to explain to Emma and Kelsey that God doesn't live in the White House. For that matter, He doesn't live in this country. He lives in the hearts of His people, and as long as there is even one of His people in America, God is in America. 

Don't worry-- this won't be a political blog. In fact, I have little to no idea WHAT kind of blog it will be. Or if anyone will ever read it. But I couldn't let this historic day pass (and I feel that ALL elections days are "historic days") without making those points. I am proud of this country and I am proud to be part of it. We may do a lot of things wrong in America, but there is no place on earth I would rather be.

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