Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Letting Him do His Thing

Below is my support letter I will be sending out this week for my trip to Cambodia. Since it is possible that the three of you who read this blog might not even be on the list to receive the letter, I thought I would go ahead and post it. ;) I truly do hate to ask for money and feel awkward receiving it, even if I DIDN'T ask (which actually has so far been the case with donations I have already gotten). However, I'm starting to see that the Lord is as present in the process as He is in the outcome. So I am going to let Him do His thing. :) 

Dear Loved Ones,

I feel a little old to be writing a letter like this, but the fact of the matter is that God isn’t quite finished using me yet! I am writing from the middle of a blessed life, a life with my two sweet girls and husband, a life as a high school English teacher and occasional photographer, a life of book clubs and friends and Mexican food and blogging... but lately, this life has felt like something was missing. Over the course of the past year, the Lord has been tugging at my heart in regard to many things. In the ways only He can, He has used the passion of my students, my Holocaust literature lectures, blogs, sermons, His word, and even that itchy feeling you get in your soul when you just know-- there is more. The words of Galations 6:10, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men,” continue to be defined in my life. I shudder to think how much “opportunity” I have that has been squandered because I am so busy in my comfortable American church life.

Through what can only be called an ordained chain of events, I became aware of a mission trip to Cambodia in July of 2013. I will be traveling with a group from my church, South Cleveland Church of God, lead by our church’s missions pastor (who was actually my children’s pastor). We will be ministering by conducting childrens’ camps in Siem Reap and Andong. We will minister to approximately 200 children in each location, then will get an opportunity to see the work of a local humanitarian group from Cleveland (People for Care and Learning) while we are there. 

As you might expect, a trip halfway around the world is very costly. I feel that it is very plain that God is calling me to go on this trip. Along with that, I know that he will provide the funds necessary. I am not a giant fan of asking people for money (let’s be honest-- I am not a giant fan of asking people for anything and that pride might just be something God’s working on in me through this process). However, since we don’t have $3000 of discretionary cash hanging around our house and it seems wrong to put Emma to work crocheting toboggans to sell to raise funds, I am sending these letters asking for support. 

If you are able to support me financially on this trip, any amount would be helpful. I will make certain that you receive acknowledgement of your contribution for tax purposes. You can make checks payable to People for Care and Learning with my name in the memo line. You can either mail checks to PCL at People for Care and Learning, 4235 TL Rogers St NE, Cleveland, TN, 37312-4991, or you can give them directly to me. 

I want to thank you in advance for the most important way you can support me on this trip, and that is through your prayers. Please pray for the members of the team, for safety and favor before and during our trip. Please pray for the children who will attend the camps, that their hearts and minds would be touched and drawn to Him. We have been told to assume that they have zero knowledge of Christ and that at least in one area, children will stand outside the facility and watch through the windows once the maximum number have been allowed in. (Can you even imagine that sort of thirst in America?) Please pray for the men and women we will encounter while we are there, that we might in some way ease a burden and lighten a load. This last prayer may be one of those I regret later, but please pray for me to have His heart for these people... to see them as He does and for Him to use this trip as a stepping stone to live in ministry the way He has called us to do. 

In turn, I want you to hold to the promise of Hebrews 6:10.

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and 
labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, 
in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Grateful for your Friendship,

Athena Davis

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