Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Mish-Mash of Randomness

A motley assortment of random things... of course, when is this blog NOT that???

This spring is so quickly winding down to a close. I can hardly believe that prom is less than a week away and, in a week, all of my big spring projects will be (hopefully!) successfully completed! All that May will bring is photographing a special wedding, leading a Bible study at church, and sweet Emma's TENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY. I have been really blessed so far with everything truly working out for the good in regard to these projects I stupidly take on. :) 

Last week in our Beth Moore study, she said something that resonated so heavily with me and I thought it might appeal to someone else. She was talking about worry and the way that we borrow tomorrow's trouble and basically ruin today with it. I am not going to be able to word this as succinctly as she did and have it make sense, so just bear with my wordiness. She said that when I (for example) look into the future, the me that I am seeing is lacking His grace. The grace God gives us is like manna. We get the exact amount we need for today, and today only. It is given to us daily. When we live in tomorrow, not only do we miss today's grace, we are looking ahead to a time that appears so much harder because we are seeing it without the perspective that will be provided by tomorrow's grace (when "tomorrow" becomes "today"). Wow. I bet Beth Moore would be astounded at how horrifically I butchered her statement. Anyway, and I am betting no one got that at all from this explanation, but I LOVED that explanation of what damage worry can do. I had never considered the grace aspect of it. 

Along the line of wonderful words from the Lord, great word this AM from Pastor Chris Moody... It has to be about the "will", not the "feel". Shouldn't have come as a surprise to me during the altar service when I felt the Lord remind me that, all too often, my emotions are based entirely on external circumstances instead of internal peace and joy. When the weather is pretty and events are working out and my students are responding well and my friends are keeping in close contact and the girls are getting along and my house is organized, I am on top of the world. But boy when one of those things goes south-- so do I. Nothing changes in His will. My emotions have to be based on that stable force. 

And finally, I am so excited to be leading an elective at church on Jen Hatmaker's Seven Bible study. It starts on Wed the 24th and I am just PUMPED. I read the Intro today and watched session one of the DVD. I have loved Jen and her husband, Brandon, since I read their first words. His book, Barefoot Church, is just PHENOMENAL too. Both call modern American Christians to live... well, like Jesus lived. Crazy out of the box thought, huh? ;) Anyway, I got a lot of cool thoughts and ideas today while I brainstormed my class, so I am just hoping someone other than me shows up. ;)

Well, we've reached that time of year that turns me into a meteorologist. I have checked my 10 day forecast on my weather app no less than 9 times today. If you were wondering, it has not changed in the past six hours. If it is possible to wear an app out, I am going to do it with this one. My obsession with the weather is due to coordinating the RF5KC on Saturday morning and the prom on Saturday evening. We have been BEYOND blessed the past SEVERAL years for both events and have had perfect weather. I just pray so hard for the same this year. If you have not yet signed up for the RF5KC, feel free to comment on here or email for an application. We will accept them until the time of the race, though extra t-shirts are limited. It's a way to make a difference in the life of a foster child in a single Saturday morning, so please get involved. If you aren't a runner or walker or creeper (not that kind) but still want to help, contact me. I still need volunteers.

Happy New Week!!!

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