Saturday, July 20, 2013

So, So Grateful... Blessed Beyond Measure

I'm kind of big on pre and post reflection. And mid. I think I'm just big on reflection, now that I think about it. ;) Anyway, I can't let this eve of our trip pass without saying some big thank you's and giving God the glory He's due.

I think I can be most succinct if I do it in list-form. I may or may not have an issue with wordiness. [Post-script: I laughed when I went back and reread and got to this part. Apparently I can also be wordy in list-form. ;)]

1. The Leadership/Planning
There is not a single soul in this world for whom I have any more respect than our missions pastor, Lance Colkmire. He is a man with the power of discernment and a direct line to the Lord, in my opinion. He was approached about doing this trip and these kids' camps because he is the best of the best. It was just a direct move of the Lord that at the same time Lance was talking to PCL, the Lord was calling me to go somewhere. Then my HLit kiddos teamed with PCL for their 5K, raising money for the very village I will see! It was all orchestrated by a Master Conductor.

2. The Team
There is a large whole group going, most of whom I don't know yet. But the four gals from South Cleveland would be my pick for ANY ministry. I have worked with three of them at Royal Family for years and I know their heart for kids and His work. It almost feels wrong to be as excited as I am to spend a week with these girls because aren't you supposed to suffer for Jesus on mission trips? ;) I think I am going to be having a BALL.

3. The Location
I've already referenced the 5K and People for Care and Learning's Build a City. It baffles me to this day to look back and see the way the pieces fell into place over the past year for tomorrow. To be 100% truthful, I never ever envisioned myself on a trip to Asia. I hope this doesn't sound as terrible as I fear it's going to, but I've never had a particular burden on my heart for the people of that continent. I have always had such a deep and burning love for Latin American countries and people and have always assumed that's where my first adult mission trip would take place. But oh... my heart is already so very drawn to these people. I am so in love with the work PCL is doing over there and I haven't even seen it yet!

4. The Support
If I start naming, I'll mess up, so I'm going to speak in broad terms. We had three major fundraisers for this trip and the support of our church family (and others) has been ridiculous. We took a special offering and had a yard sale and bake sale. People gave so much to these events. For those who donated yard sale items, gave in the offering, brought us donuts or breakfast or lunch, sold lemonade at our yard sale (Emma and Kelsey, that's you!), made brownies to sell, brought a sweet for our dessert auction last Sunday, BOUGHT a sweet treat from our dessert auction... We thank you more than we can say. People came out of the woodwork (and had me steal them at a family vacation to cut clothes) to work on the paper doll project, a brainstorm of Beth's. My grandmother gave me a bunch of little purses she has worked on this week to take to the little girls.

For me personally, the number of precious text messages, voicemails, and fb contact from so many people in my life has been simply staggering. I'm just going to say, it is a bold Christian teenager who will send a text message to a teacher describing in vivid detail exactly what prayers are going up for her this week. I got the kindest word from my principal and fb messages from parents of students. My friends near and far, new and old, have left me voicemails (got it, JP!) and texts and fb posts. I wrote a whole post about Mayfield, but the number of people from my kids' school who have offered support on this endeavor has been insane. My grandparents called me tonight to pray for me over the phone before I leave. I am blown away by the love of my people.

5. The Finances
I hate to talk about money but I feel like I can't let it pass without issuing a public thank you (you will get a personal card) and also giving God the glory He is due. This trip cost $3000. People donated $2895 of mine. The donations came from some I sent letters to and most whom I did not. My very first donation was from one of my oldest friends and he handed it to me when I had barely even mentioned going on a trip. My last came from a friend who lives across the US and whom I have not seen in person since my first year of college. I, through little to no effort or advertising, got 24 orders for seat belt pillows in a month that paid for the rest. I so appreciate those who had me craft things for them or plan their parties in exchange for a trip donation. God is just amazing. That's all there is to it.

I am so BLESSED. Plain and simple. I have told Kraig a hundred times over the past nine months that I am surrounded by the biggest-hearted, most loving, most Christ-like, BEST friends and family a person could ever, ever have. Please remember us this week. Please pray for our team and the kids we will come into contact with, for seeds to be sown. Pray for safety and provision for us over the next ten days. Pray for protection over the families we leave behind and for peace of mind as we leave them (that's mostly for me, I'm pretty sure). ;) Thank you!

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