Monday, August 12, 2013


I'm kind of a romantic. Maybe not so much a romantic as an "over-the-top, elaborate-celebration, gigantic-gift-giving" kind of girl... And today is my 13th wedding anniversary.

Know how we celebrated? We went to a quick dinner last night, just the two of us and enjoyed some conversation and nice food. For tonight, I had grand plans of a cool and creative night. Gradually that plan evolved into its B, C, D, and E versions until what remained looked nothing like the romantic evening I had planned but ended up OHSOMUCH better.

I got a bunch of finger foods (bagel bites, hot wings, potato skins, oreo pie) and cooked them up. We hung a sheet on our living room wall, turned the couch around, and set up the projector and computer to watch a "big-screen" version of "42" while we snuggled on the couch and munched on snacks. It should be noted that the "we" in this activity turned into four Davis's rather than just the original "established in 2000" two.

And it was honestly one of the best celebrations I can remember. In fact, Kelsey pronounced it her "best anniversary ever", which is ironic in that A) it's the only one she's been invited to and B) it's not even hers. :)

I put my phone in the bedroom and just let myself be pulled into the movie and the moment. I cuddled Emma under our warm red blanket .... while she's still young enough to be willing to cuddle. I explained the segregated South and the momentous actions by Jackie Robinson and others to Kelsey... while she's still innocent enough to be outraged and confused. I cast sidelong glances at Kraig over the top of the girls' heads from different ends of the couch... while there are still little people at home who want to share our time.

And it was glorious.

As anniversaries often bring one to do, I have spent some time today reflecting on mine and Kraig's relationship. The adjective that most commonly comes to my mind? "Easy." That may not be the sort of word teenagers and young adults imagine wanting for their marriages when they are fantasizing about them and making wedding Pinterest boards, but it is a wonderful and beautiful thing. In a crazy hectic life, a world that feels upside down more often than rightside up, a jumble of relationships and dynamics that will make a sane person crazy, a stress level that remains def-con 4 (I'm NEVER sure if I'm using that right), calling something "easy" is high praise indeed. My marriage is a refuge for me, a storm shelter in a tornado, a hammock in a state of exhaustion. Kraig and I very seldom argue or fight, we are co-parents to the nth degree, we share a foundation of faith in Christ and we have similar senses of humor and interests.

I also thought some today on how my relationship with Kraig came about (another story for another day and names will need to be changed to protect the guilty, haha!) and realized that we actually got to know each other through our college and career outreach at church. We spent one Saturday a month giving out clothes and other needed items to people in our church neighborhood. I think the best way to both get to know and grow closer to a person is through service. I have to believe it was that solid foundation that has held our relationship firm through the years.

So now I go to sleep on this last night of our thirteenth year, feeling so blessed that I have the people in my life and the partner with whom I share my everyday.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! I "especially" like this quote, "...the best way to both get to know and grow closer to a person is through service." To love IS to serve and you guys have proved it once more.

    I continually marvel at God's plan for the THC in the original selection of Fellows! Who else could have gathered followers of Christ who love to teach and are committed to Holocaust Ed. and who bonded as family from the start?? MWARI WAKANAKA!!
