Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pity Party of One, Please

I'm just telling you. I don't know if it's human nature or just me, but I seem to crash the lowest after my highest of highs. I am feeling ROUGH tonight. This week holds two of my year's most exciting events... On Thursday, my best friend, Jennifer, and her girls are coming up from Atlanta to meet us and drive to Nashville for the Taylor Swift concert. We got the tickets for all of us and the girls for Christmas. Our girls are all the biggest buddies and they are beyond excited, and I am too (or at least I hope to be once I get out of this funk). Then we get back on Friday morning and the dotMom conference starts. This conference is the highlight of my year every single year. It's typically in Birmingham, but this year it's in Chattanooga. We had planned to get a big group together and go and also slumber party it up at my house for the weekend. 

As most of life's fun events do, these have come with major coordination and planning, which is exhausting. Plus, the "big group" has deteriorated into a few and only two of the few are spending the night. As I start to get discouraged about that, I think of how many times in life something has turned out like this and you look back and know that it worked out exactly as it should... how many times God turns what can be an impersonal large group into a way more intimate small group and uses it as a time to bring people close together and minister to each other. So I'm kind of counting on that. :)

This week is Homecoming Week, which is always SO much fun. But again, with that, comes lots of craziness and some extra work in determining costumes and such. I think I'm giving up tomorrow and just wearing what I feel like, which is pjs and a robe, maybe with some Kleenex stuck up my nose. That's Wacky Wednesday, right? Today was the girls' picture day which meant rolling one head of hair last night and getting up early enough to double French braid the other this morning. 

Some things at school have been really challenging, which lodges in my gut and won't go away. I taught Sunday School Sunday night and don't know that I have ever felt like a lesson bombed any harder than that one did. Rather than walk away and be done, I've continued mulling that over in my head. 

In an admirable Mom of the Year move, I have ignored the Fire Safety posters both of my children wanted to do to enter in a contest. In fact, I've moved the sheets waaaaaaaaaayyyy to the far side of the counter in the hopes that both girls will forget the contest and the prizes they had hoped to win by drawing a kitchen aflame. 

My car (and my classroom and my house) is a wreck. People will be riding in it Thursday (and parents visiting my classroom next Tuesday and people staying at my house Friday night). There are so many things I am supposed to be working on, ordering, planning, writing, emailing, etc. It's really a travesty that I am not doing so many things right now. But I just can't find the motivation. 

Apparently my brain is mush because there is an Open House at school next Tuesday night and I promise I have never heard one mention of it until today. I spent tonight trying to communicate with 9 people in my book club (ALL of whom replied, which might be a first!) to reschedule next TUESDAY'S meeting. 

So. That's my pity party. That and the runny nose, sneezing, and dizziness that seem  to be my party favors.

Nothing like an entertaining, educational, and encouraging blog post, huh?

1 comment:

  1. OK, time to turn off the negative voices in your head and celebrate what you are! You are an amazing mom who takes the time out of her busy life to make sure her girls are extra beautiful on picture day (unlike some moms who shall remain nameless who let their girl child go to school in a black raiders tshirt and ponytail). You gave your heart to Sunday School, and just because you think it bombed doesn't mean you didn't plant the seed of God's word in a little heart. Let it go, it is what it is. Nobody cares about your house, on the contrary, they will be relieved to know you're not perfect and will be able to relax more and enjoy the stay. You are an amazing person and exceptional teacher, and a beloved friend, mom and wife. So you don't get it all done, big whoop. You do plenty. Concentrate on that, let the rest fall away. Hugs.
