Sunday, October 13, 2013

In Which I Convert and Worship at the Altar of Fall Break

I have a theory about Fall Breaks. I think they are the single most beneficial and almost medicinal breaks in an entire school year. (It should be noted that I am the person who, when calender talk comes up, ALWAYS says I prefer longer summers and fewer breaks in the school year. I have been converted, at least as far as Fall Break goes.)

Summer break, though wonderful and perfect, has some sort of "slipping through your fingers" feel to it. I can hardly enjoy the days because I am so conscious of their passing. Thanksgiving and Christmas both are full of so many other obligations and traditions (though these things are wonderful, they do tend to take as much out of us as they put in us). Spring Break just seems like it comes with lots of expectations. I guess it's been Hollywoodized so much or something, but my Spring Break never feels like it measures up to what a Spring Break should be.

But Fall Break....

Oh my, what a breath of pure oxygen, a soul-rest, a time to pull your family in close and accomplish so many tasks...

This week, I have felt closer to my people, closer to my Savior, and closer to my inner self than I have since early June.

Our trip was so meaningful to us. I know it's not always possible for everyone all the time, but I can't put enough emphasis on how important it is to take time for only your in-your-household family. Every single year, I try to get friends or other family to accompany us on our fall trip. And every year, everyone has a reason they can't go. But you know what I have discovered? God knows that we need that time to grow closer to each other. It would be fun with other people, sure, but it matters so much to spend time with only our four, especially as the girls grow older (and more distant?). So I decided this year that I am glad no one can ever go because the memories of two trips to Disney, a cruise, and now a trip to DC are filed away in my little golden treasure chest in my mind, only to be taken out and handled carefully with a smile every now and then.

The four days since we have been back home have felt almost supernaturally long. We have cleaned and organized and laundry'd, trampoline-jumped and grocery-shopped, soccer and football-gamed, Raider-supported, Bear-stomped, errand-run, grandparent and great-grandparent time-spent, cooked and biked, Buck the pony-ridden, photo-taken, Jesus-worshipped, late-slept, read and painted, fall-decorated, and used book-shopped. The night before our trip we play-watched and student-celebrated. We end this evening well-rested and happy.

I could not ask for more from a school vacation than what we received from this one. There was no pressure, low expectations (thanks for that, government shutdown!), and lots of together-time. (9 hours in a rental car, to be specific...)

So Fall Break 2013-- we bid you farewell and thank you. You were a blessing at a most-needed time and we are grateful. We feel revived and energized to go back to Mayfield and CHS and Lifecare and do what needs to be done.

These are the memories that last for lifetimes...

1 comment:

  1. Delighted to see you've been 'converted' to Fall-Break-Passion! October IS my favorite month of the year for so many reasons, but the points you made in this posting have provided sweet mental replays of the perfection that lies in Fall Break!. See you in the a.m. :)
