Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What Sort of Work do YOUR Shirts Do?

So I might have a tshirt problem. I kind of love them. And I've decided they are a great way to raise funds. We all wear them, why not support a cause???

So here are two opportunities to help a worthy cause, make me happy, and get an awesome new shirt.

First of all, have I mentioned I went to Cambodia last summer? ;) My poor Holocaust Lit kids probably wish I would SHUT UP ALREADY ABOUT CAMBODIA. Haha! But anyway, I'm going back this coming summer and I have started making shirts (using transfers) to sell to raise money for my trip. I can do (or at least try) pretty much any design you want, from school spirit to event to silly stuff, but the ones I am selling pretty actively are state shirts. You can put any word you want on them but I have mostly been putting "home" or "y'all" on them. I can do any color or size shirt, any state, any color of the state, and any color font. Long sleeve are $20 and short sleeve are $10. If you want to order, feel free to comment here or email me at The profit from these shirts will go in my Cambodia trip account.

The other cause I may or may not have mentioned here is Royal Family Kids' Camp. ;) Anyway, we are selling some incredible shirts (designed by a student in my Holocaust Lit class!). You simply go to this link and you can order the shirt. It will ship straight to you. The big thing we would love for you to do is share the link to our Royal Family shirts! They are only for sale until November 18.

Go to and click, buy, and SHARE! Please repost/retweet/share! 

Happy shopping! 

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