Monday, May 19, 2014

My "Night Before the Big Announcement" Post

So I have composed this in my head for days.... :)
This past (almost) month has been a month that I would never have imagined experiencing in my entire life. It has completely blown my mind and I have told so many people this, but I want to say it publicly--
Car or not tomorrow, I have already won.
I won the day I got the job at Cleveland High School, the school I have loved for so long. In fact, my interview was almost exactly 13 years ago to the day.
I have won for 13 years with the intelligent, articulate, loving, and wonderful students in my classroom, students who come by and send messages and keep in touch YEARS after they leave.
I have won by getting to work with colleagues and for administrators who are complete professionals, loving people, and forever friends.
I have won by being part of a school system that values "every child, every day", that puts educational standards above politics, and that is led by an administration that cares about people.
I won on November 23, 1977, by being born into a town like Cleveland, TN. Y'all, we are so blessed in this town. What a bunch of people who love each other and know what community means.
I won the JACKPOT with my family, immediate and extended. These people love me in all circumstances and cheer me on and support me in everything. They have shown me what true love means.
I won in the friend realm-- oh, I won more than any person deserves to win. Some people make fun of me for saying I have so many "best friends" but it's so true.
I won in 2007 when I became part of a group of teachers who have become like family, who hold Holocaust education to the level that I do, as part of the TN Holocaust Commission Teacher Fellows.
I won when I fell madly in love with Jesus and committed to let Him lead my steps. He has directed my paths and blessed me with callings and a love for life and people that could only come from Him. I know some people question the fact that my students said that I make them all feel like I love them, that it's not possible to love them all. My response to that is that it isn't me. I pray every single semester that God will love them all THROUGH me. It's Him in me.

So thank you. Thank you for voting and sharing and sending me messages of support and being my people. My life IS the people in it. I have SO loved every moment of this entire experience. I would LOVE to be driving a new car tomorrow, but I am feeling so very blessed. I am so thankful to Kelly for her sweet letter and all of you who have done so much in this process!!! I will say, gut feeling for the past three days... I don't think it's me. Not just saying that for people to say they disagree, but in all honesty-- gut says no. (And my gut is almost ALWAYS right, ESPECIALLY in regard to snow days!!!) ;) Haha! We shall see tomorrow!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!

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