Thursday, November 15, 2012

First World Tragedy

So my calender AND to do list/reminders on my phone crashed today. And by "crashed", I mean that I tried to "fix" something I knew nothing about (while driving) and clicked something dumb like "yes" on the question "are you sure you want to delete all calender appointments, reminders, and notes?". So, total user error. Or idiot mistakes. Whatever the case, it's all gone. And for someone who makes lists like a crazy person and lives by her calender-- well, you could say I am royally screwed.

After I panicked, then cried, then clicked everything on the phone I knew to click (and a lot that probably didn't), then social media called for help, I gave in to the inevitable, which is that I will not be a single place I need to be for the foreseeable future. After some time to calm and reflect, I decided that might not be a bad thing. Maybe this is some cosmic call for calm in my life... maybe I needed an excuse to miss a few things... rather more sinister, maybe I am going to die on this cruise and this is some sort of symbolic foreshadowing... Whatever the case, it's all gone and over.

And I was reminded again, as I am every. single. time. technology fails (understanding that in this case, the "failure" was with the user), that pen and paper always work. They don't lose battery life, they don't have connection errors, they don't let idiots tell them to delete themselves. However, that's not the route I take. And that's why I sit here tonight, drying my tears, praying that some miracle happens to this phone and everything comes back.

Because if it doesn't, I have no clue where I am supposed to be tomorrow. Or what I was supposed to remember to pack. And if you were on my Christmas list.... well, sorry about that. There's always next year.

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