Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Should Have Known I Didn't Have Enough Self-Control

Well, shoot. That whole blogging thing lasted... what, two posts? Oh well. I think my problem is still that I have no clue what sort of blog I want this to BE. Part diary/part analysis/part diy/part call to action/part humor? Oh well. No matter what sort of blog it is or what my purpose in writing is going to be, I can't let our Thanksgiving week pass without SOME sort of reflection...

After much consideration and debate over location, Kraig and I decided to try a cruise with the girls for the week of Thanksgiving. I will say that we can now affirm with absolute certainty that it was a wonderful choice! We elected not to tell them where we were going (mostly because Kelsey and her planning and questions would drive a sane man crazy) or even THAT they were going. We told them that we were going to DC and they were staying with Granna. We drove to Atl, ate with the Mynes, then stayed in the airport hotel. The next AM, they thought Granna and Grandad were coming to get them. At the last minute, they got "stuck in traffic" and the girls had to get on the plane with us. Kraig thought ahead and told them we had to "change planes" and take a cab to another airport, so that explained the leaving of the Miami airport. We did have a moment when Miss Geography questioned why a plane headed to DC would stop in Miami, but we explained that airlines do strange things. We had some hilarious conversation when we passed the cruise ships (which I got on video), then wound up telling them in the line to check our bags. They were THRILLED and it was truly a week to remember.

They were so sweet to each other and good for us and it just reminded me all over again how blessed we are to have these girls and each other. We did two incredible excursions (ziplining and waterfall climbing in Jamaica and swimming with dolphins and stingrays in the Caymans) and at that point, I was reminded how thrilled I am to have an adventurous family. I was completely cut off from all communication with others (texting, phone calls, fb, twitter, ig) and through THAT experience, I was reminded how addicted I am to those things and how I NEED to unplug occasionally and just BE. We came home on Thanksgiving Day and I just reflected on what a blessed life I lead...

I have three people who make my days so joyful, parents who would truly give their lives for us, a sister and brother-in-law who now are just TWO MILES AWAY, in-laws I would have chosen as mine if given a choice, an extended family who have shaped who I am in so many ways, the best friends I could ever hope to find anywhere in this world, a church family that knows how to love Him and love FOR Him, a job that feels way more like fun than work on most given days, a network of colleagues/former colleagues/students' parents/former students whom I have decided would be my key to surviving some sort of apocalyptic event ;) , and a Savior who somehow trusts me to use all I've been given for Him and His glory. Truly, I am blessed.

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