Thursday, January 31, 2013

Later, January!

This update is honestly just for me, to keep me accountable. I know that no one cares, but I like knowing there is record somewhere of 2013. At the end of each month I want to take stock and see where I am in regard to my goals. January, you've been awfully good to me. I can stand to improve, but it hasn't been bad at all.

1. A Healthier Lifestyle
Oddly enough, this is likely my area of most success in January. Yes, that shocks me as much as the next guy. ;) We have done really well with the smoothie'ing (although I still worry about burning out on them) and I have cooked every night that we have been home (including weekends-- and we have been home WAY more this semester!). An unexpected advantage of the smoothie'ing is that I never think about Smoothie King anymore, which is saving me LOTS of money!  The food/drink part has been easiest of all. The exercise is still a chore and a hassle. I really am just resigned to the fact that I will never be a person who enjoys it. I think that it bores me. If I can't write or talk or read or interact, I'm not interested. I do enjoy thinking, but my mind doesn't work so well when my body is screaming. I've met my weekly goal of three times/week or more (except one week), but I have HATED it. 

{Although, I have to admit... Today was so beautiful and it has been so gross outside that I took the girls after school and we walked on the track at church. I got more distance in better time than I have EVER done on a treadmill. I guess it's true that being outside is better. And it was somewhat enjoyable.... but only because of the girls... and the sunshine.}

2. A More Intentional Spiritual Life
Ughhhhh..... I stink. We stink. This is going to be my February focus because I was very bad at it in January as far as the girls are concerned. That being said, though, there are THINGS happening in my spiritual walk-- things that I haven't had happen much-- things like God pretty clearly showing me things and defining my purpose and path-- cool things. :)

3. To Become More Globally Aware
I've done sensationally well this month at not spending, which is not exactly this one but a natural outgrowth of it. Other than one Target trip, I have literally not spent a dime since Christmas on anything other than food. (OK, and materials for a Valentine and bday craft...) Still need to learn more about fair trade and composting and gardening, but there's time. As far as mission-minded, it's a work in progress, but progressing it is.

4. Maintaining a Sense of Order and Purpose
YES. And for this one, I am convinced it is partially happening supernaturally. I have so much to get done in the next four months and somehow, God is stretching my days. Seriously. Sun standing still kind of stretching. The weekends last forever and I am getting more done in the shortest amount of time than I should ever get done. I don't get it, but I'll take it!!!

5. Be There
This goal is truly moment by moment. And some moments I succeed, and some I don't. But all I try.
Value the People in Life
Meh... In some cases, with some people, I'm doing well. In others, not as much. This too is very day to day, so I can keep working and focusing on it and not feel guilty for what isn't done.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on keepin' on! I think reflection on your goals is half the battle. You are sticking to them because they are on your mind. Miss you terribly! So glad you are finally blogging out in the open!
