Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Spewing Forth

I think that supernatural gift the Lord was giving me in January by making the time go by SLOOOOWWWLLYYY has ended in February. I can't believe it's already the ninth! The month so far has brought some pretty big flops in regard to my 2013 goals, a fb status plan that has brought about great reflection, an exciting surprise 30th birthday brunch for my sister, a coffee hot chocolate fellowship time with a sweet old long-term friend, a Superbowl party, a morning of proctoring a standardized test (my least favorite part of my job), some time spent with three witches/a cauldron/killing a king/paying consequences for your actions (Macbeth, for the uninitiated), a few other awesome things at school, book club, a movie date with our couple friends, and the arrival and subsequent reading of a book written by my all-time favorite blogger/person I don't actually know.

Seriously? All in 9 days??? No wonder I wake up in a dizzy stupor every morning.

I have to get back on the 2013 Better Me train. Like, NOW. Starting today. I am in danger of getting crushed beneath the rails.

I am in love with the month of February and Valentine's Day. Always have been, because to me, this day is not just about that ooey gooey love between woman and man (or girl and boy, for my sixteen year old self)... I think it's a month to reflect on love for God, for family and friends, for a job, for things  that make life so much better, like sunshine and good books. I decided to pick one person or thing every day that I LOVE and write about it in my fb statuses. I might copy them all on here at the end, but they have really caused me to self-reflect and it's been good.

In regard to reflection and nostalgia, last Saturday we actually pulled off a surprise 30th bday brunch for my sister. (Yes, I am in shock that this little person who disrupted my entire world when I was five years old, then quickly became one of the best parts of it, is thirty years old.) It was so much fun and I loved getting to do it. She is truly my best friend, and I hate that it took me 24 years to realize it.

 Later that afternoon, I celebrated another 30th by having hot chocolate (he had coffee) with a guy who has been a great friend of mine for thirty years. I met Paul in first grade and I sometimes (in my head) still think of him as that kid who picked his nose and ate his boogers. JK. Although he likely still thinks of me (in his head) as that awkward gangly glasses-wearing chili bowl-headed middle schooler who was in love with him, so... all's fair, I guess. Anyway, it was so nice to spend an afternoon at a cozy coffee shop (GO TO BONLIFE!!! IT IS AWESOME!!! CHS Class of '96 REPRESENTS!) while the snow fell outside, chatting about life and the Lord. I am so lucky to have always been blessed with the best friends a person could have.

Classes this month have flown by, other than the interminable hours spent administering a standardized writing assessment. Testing exhausts me. Plain and simple. But Macbeth??? It invigorates me. And while I finish it with AP on Monday, I GET TO START IT WITH ENGLISH IV ON WEDNESDAY!!! :)

We had a Superbowl party at our house Sun night with church friends and book club (at least, the four of us who attended) was at my house Thursday night and, though I didn't get time to read the book (for shame!), it was a nice time spent with good friends as well. Again... my life is the people in it. That's all there is to it.

Speaking of my people, last night we went to a movie (more on the movie later) with a couple who have become an integral part of our lives. People come and go in life, and there have been phases of my life when more were going than were coming. I think there is something about living in the same town in which you grew up that means that, at least 80% of the time, you are the one getting left behind. And honestly? It stinks. But the Lord giveth just as He taketh away, and about three years ago, my friendship with a guy at church who I think is one of the funniest guys I have ever met turned into a "couple friendship" when I got to know his wife better at book club. She and I ended up emailing often about things (only for me to find that she is every bit as hilarious as he is!), then we had them over one night, then before we knew it, they became our people (and I hope we became theirs). I can't say how much I value their friendship. There is something beautifully ordained in finding another couple who share your life views, your Lord, your sense of humor, and your fondness for cheese dip and movies. :) Just as we weren't made to go through life alone, I also believe we weren't made for our families to go through life alone. I am so incredibly grateful to have the Riddles beside us on the journey.

{emotional part over}

Last of all, and y'all this is absolutely a plug, I had a much anticipated package in my mailbox yesterday and I have already devoured it. Big Mama's (Melanie Shankle) new book, Sparkly Green Earrings, released yesterday and I had pre-ordered from amazon (which I don't recommend because the bookstores got it before the release date). It is just so good. If you have never read her blog, The Big Mama blog, do that, too. You will laugh till you hurt. :) This book is about motherhood and it was an absolute delight. I read parts aloud to Kraig (to which he said, "I am so glad I get to share this with you", which I am choosing not to hear as sarcasm) and just belly laughed. I finished it this morning and my final take on it is this:

Giant laughs and little tears... just like motherhood.

Get it. Read it. You won't be disappointed.

And that's the end of apparently what 9 days of unblogginess looks like when it spews forth. You're welcome.

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