Monday, September 2, 2013

Meditate on These Things

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8

Tonight, I'm so grateful for....

*A husband who will cut a fishing trip short without me saying a word, just apparently sensing that his presence makes me more at peace
*Giant bags of snacks brought by friends to Grandaddy in the ICU
*Pieces of furniture that have been sitting in my garage for almost a year, just waiting for a time when I need a project
*God-sent paramedics who just happen to be lifelong family friends
*AT&T's Better is Better commercials
*Classes full of students who fill my days with delight
*Friends, friends, friends, friends, friends
*Wi-fi (just being honest)
*Two little girls who brighten my every day (and one of whom is like a parent to me and even packed me a phone charger that first night in the ER and surgical waiting room)
*Roller coasters (even though I haven't been on one in a year)
*LABOR. DAY. (specifically 3 day weekends)
*4 day workweeks (I know that goes with the last point, but it deserves mentioning again)
*Papers to grade (I really have tried to see it as a plus, but I just can't)
*God-fearing doctors and nurses and phenomenal local hospitals
*3000 pictures that need to be edited of the most special 10 days of my life to this point
*Ice cream
*Little tiny bags of goldfish crackers that need to be put together for lunches
*Medical helicopters
*Grocery store trips when extra lines are opened to cut down on the time spent when no one even knows that every minute is life or death
*Top notch surgeons who leave the gym to come operate (even when they do appear to only be 16 years old) and world-renowned neurologists who are in Chattanooga when we needed them
*Summer, even when it doesn't know to come around until September
*Future plans that remind me that life doesn't stop
*Former students who play college football and make Monday night more fun
*Really cool cultural project assignments that both give an opportunity to help my 3rd grader AND an excuse to learn, talk, and show more about Cambodia
*Coke (c'mon, surely you didn't think any list was complete without that???)
*So, so, so many great books
*A God who has every moment of our lives held firmly in His hand

And tomorrow, though unknown to me, is already known to Him. 

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