Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Best Friday the 13th EVER

Yesterday was a day that I will remember for the rest of my life.  I will remember it for the levels of terror inside me that I never even thought existed as well as for the first time in my life that I actually had my vision go black and my legs feel disattached and legitimately almost passed out. Most of all, though, I will remember it for the beauty of the day.

It's no secret to anyone that I love Cleveland High School with all my heart. I loved my time in high school probably more than is normal and as soon as I changed my major to English, I knew there was nowhere in the world I would rather teach. Thankfully I was blessed with a job upon graduation and the rest is history. I love the history, the traditions, the academics, the athletics, and the people both past and present. I love the Raider. I bleed blue and white. At times, it's probably a bit obnoxious to those around me and I have enough Raider shirts to clothe a small nation. From shoes to key chains to ipad covers to anything I can buy in blue, I do. In fact, as much as I hate on TN fans, I am every bit as fanatic as a Blue Raider fan.

So being inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame yesterday at my beloved alma mater and workplace was absolutely an honor that can't be topped. I have no idea who nominated me, but my goodness I am so blessed by it. Yesterday's morning assembly was just a first-class example of Cleveland class. The gym looked beautiful, the ceremony was professional, and our students... good grief. Those kids sat for nearly two hours... in bleachers... in SILENCE. I could see everyone and I didn't even see much fidgeting! They dazzled me and made me proud on a level I hadn't known before. The inductees and presenters were just everything that is good about CHS. From doctors to lawyers to educators to a vocalist to a youth pastor to a screenwriter to businessmen... it truly was a cross-section of the caliber of CHS graduate and the offerings they present to this world. The speeches were so moving and I want to go back and listen again now that I don't feel like I am about to throw up. There were just so many gems of wisdom in those speeches. We had a reception last night in our beautiful dining hall that was so special and beautiful. So many people worked so hard on this event. The actual Hall of Fame had already been displayed in the area leading to the cafeteria! Then last night at the game, they recognized us again at half-time and gave us our plaques.

Quite possibly my favorite moment of the entire day though, and there were many incredible moments, was when the inductees walked down the track to wait for our turn on the field and our ridiculous, amazing, wonderful, BLUE student section, all painted up and waving flags, started chanting "HALL OF FAME! HALL OF FAME!" (I'm just going to be honest, I'm crying right now typing this. I'm also going to be honest and say it doesn't take much.) You see, teenagers get such a bad rap. But it's undeserved. Those kids? They get it. They didn't see this as some boring event that had nothing to do with them. They see, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, that they are part of a tradition. They are part of something bigger than themselves, something they will carry with them forever. They may gripe and complain at times about things at school, but deep down, they are Raiders. Forever. I have seen student sections do some pretty awful things like throwing bottles into the crowd and spitting on visiting band members. Not these guys. These guys gave some middle-aged Blue Raiders a moment that they will remember forever.

So anyway, I'm just happy today. I'm happy to have been included, I'm happy to see some majorly deserving people be honored, I'm happy to think of future Hall of Fame induction ceremonies, and I'm most happy that our students made us so proud and presented themselves to the public in the demeanor that we all know and love... honorable, spirited, and respectful.

Below is the speech I don't technically remember much about giving because I was too focused on avoiding a call to the paramedics.

"I loved my years at Cleveland High School so much I found a way to stay here forever. 

I am honored to be included in this prestigious group of people and most honored to be part of the Blue Raider tradition. 

I was so blessed in my time at
CHS to be surrounded by teachers and students who were passionate. 

They were passionate about learning, about their world, and about each other. It was these relationships with teachers who felt that what they were doing mattered and an education that went beyond these walls that fostered a desire in me to live a life of passionate service.

It seems cliche to quote Emerson in a speech, but he has an often Pinterested line that is truly my life's goal: "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded." 

So no matter where you all end up after you cross that stage at Raider Field, find something in life that you are passionate about improving with your presence....

Something that makes your heart beat fast, that makes you want to get up in the mornings. Whether it's an occupation, a cause, or another person, seek it out. This world needs you to sponsor its children, love on its broken-hearted, right its wrongs,  work for its charities, and bring joy to its inhabitants. 

I am grateful beyond words that God called me to this place, both as a student for those football state championship years in the 90s and in 2001 as a teacher, that He called me to this career that makes me excited to get to work every morning, and that He called me to you, my past, present, and future students-- YOU are my people...Thank you."


  1. What a wonderful speech. So proud of you and so glad you chose to be a teacher. I know you are a positive influence on so many. Phyllis

  2. I am so very proud of you, Athena. I wish I could have been there.== Holly Schultz
