Sunday, November 10, 2013

11.11.13. Grateful.

As we near liberation in the chronology study in my Holocaust Lit class, I am always moved in a way that is unique to this topic. We read accounts of the liberators, hear their testimonies, look at the pictures and videos of what they found, watch the Band of Brothers episode "Why We Fight", and hear survivors explain the details of their liberation... and I am overwhelmed every time with such gratitude. I am grateful that I live in a country of people who are willing to sacrifice all for a few... who will give everything for something... who will stand up to the world for one. I'm grateful that this was not unique to the WWII generation but every generation since. I'm grateful for veterans of every war and those who served in peacetime. I'm grateful for those who are currently deployed and serving away from families and those who have recently returned home. I'm grateful on Veteran's Day and every day. Thank you.

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