Thursday, November 7, 2013

That Time I Waited until the Night Before to Reread TWO Books I am Teaching Tomorrow

And then, instead of reading them when the clock turned 9:43, I started a blog post. A blog post about..... nothing. Except a funny and sweet story about one of my babes. And the reason the ACLU will probably come after us. ;)

My little and her bff have started a club, it seems. In K's words, a "church club". The premise of said club is that during recess, they sit down with their friends and ask them if they "have any problems or things they need to talk about". If they do, they sit and discuss it with them. Then they ask them if it's ok if they pray about it. She said, "Some people want us to pray right then and there but sometimes we don't have time and so we tell them we will pray for them at home tonight and then talk to them more tomorrow."

I would like to say that this beats the club they apparently had LAST year on the playground, which got them into pretty big trouble once. Haha!

I think it's incredibly cute and sweet that they feel like the best they have to offer their classmates is a listening ear and a prayer. I love that they have compassion for the people sharing the swingsets and monkey bars. But most of all, I love that they are seeing the 3rd graders around them the way Jesus sees them. They are showing empathy and I don't believe empathy is something you can teach to other people, so it fills my heart with joy that they just get it.

And I guess that's what I'll tell the ACLU. ;)

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