Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Passing of the Torch

 So our elf problem I discussed last night in this post is solved... although not in the way you might expect. (And luckily also not via an elfy funeral.)

First of all, it's so insanely ironic that one of my favorite bloggers posted a very similar post this morning after mine last night. Apparently the dissatisfaction with household elves is going around. Or maybe those of us who started this early are finally burning out?

Today, Kelsey had STEM club after school, so I picked Emma up and we were (unusually) alone in the car. As we were leaving Mayfield, I showed her a picture of what Natalie's classroom elf did today. She asked me when the elf did it and I said, "Um, I guess last night?" She said, "Or maybe when Natalie left the room at some point?" I quickly latched onto that and said that might be the case. The next thing I knew, Emma had leaned up between the two front seats, face only a couple of inches from mine, and said, "Mommy. The elves aren't real." Her tone was a mixture of dismay that I am so naive as to buy into magic elves and humor that she had figured it out before I did.

I said, "They're not???" and she said, "I knew that last year but I didn't want to say anything." I started cracking up and let her read my blog post from yesterday. I asked about Kelsey and she said she's pretty sure Kelsey is still all in. We talked about it a bit, then I got an epiphany.

"Emma," I said, "I have a great idea! I'm over the elves, you know they aren't real, Kelsey still believes... WHY DON'T YOU TAKE OVER THE ELVES???"

And with that, I was relieved of my elving duties and the torch was officially passed. It was a beautiful moment.

Emma's First Elf Set-up ... She's going to make a fine mother one day. ;)
(And boy has she started out on fire. We came home this afternoon before we picked Kelsey up, but Kelsey didn't know that. Tonight after church, Kelsey came flying down the steps, absolutely elated. She told me that she KNEW the elves were real now because they were in the American Girl jeep when we left this AM and now they are in the recliner and NO ONE HAS EVEN BEEN HERE! I'd say Emma has already proven herself.)
Kelsey was VERY concerned that the elves might ruin her gingerbread house she made at church.
SO, she left a very specific (and polite) note.

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