Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our Yes in Him

One day soon, I'm going to sit down and share the many, many ways God has confirmed and whispered and even SCREAMED to our hearts that we are walking down the right path in the journey that we are announcing, but for right now I'll just say....


Another day soon, I'll share the back story of how many years upon years upon years I have waited to say those words. But for right now I'll just say...

He is such an incredibly good Father. And when He gives you a promise, you don't ever have to question whether or not He will bring it to pass. Because He will. And when He nudges you and says "Be still", then gives you a little shove and says, "Wait", then finally grabs your face between His hands and says, "LEAVE THIS TO ME", you should and you can. Because one day, it will be fulfilled. 

For me, the start of that fulfilled promise was August 11, only two weeks ago this week. Since that date, we have talked and prayed and talked and prayed and talked and prayed, cried, asked a few trusted friends and pastors to pray, chosen an adoption agency, completed 25% of the paperwork required based on our eAdopt dashboard, sent in payments, and are beginning the process of setting up a home study with a TN agency. We have not been matched yet so the details are still not nailed down, but our focus is currently on the Philippines. 

We would deeply appreciate your prayer support at this time, as the upcoming weeks and months will be very important to this process. We know that God has His hand on our family and our future family and we know that whatever He has called us to, He will bring to pass. 

2 Corinthians 1:20

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