Just Look...

Just Look...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Story of a Monday

Today was meaningful in so many ways. This morning, we heard the entire history of the Jewish people in an hour and a half (beginning with Creation). :) It's a strange feeling sometimes, as a Christian, to hear some perspectives I've heard. One that really stuck out to me is that he said that the God of creation was an impersonal God and the God of Abraham was a personal God. (To be clear, he wasn't saying it was two different God's just two different aspects of God.) I thought about that a while and I have to say, I disagree. To me, the God of Creation was a HIGHLY personal God. In fact, James Weldon Johnson's "The Creation" is the most beautiful retelling I have ever heard of that story and it perfectly personified my image of Him as Creator. I love to imagine Him carefully molding and shaping Adam, holding him close, walking in the cool of the garden in the evenings. 

The second session was Steffy, one of the directors, talking about the educational philosophy of Yad Vashem. I believe in and am comfortable with what I do, but I have to admit that I always feel better when my personal philosophy of Holocaust Ed is affirmed and validated at things like this. She said two really fascinating things, both of which I blogged about over at my classroom blog if you want to check it out.

For the afternoon, we took a six hour bus tour of Jerusalem. We stopped at heights at all four corners of the city and looked at the views while Ephraim gave us the history of the city and its neighborhoods. What a rich history. The final stop was to the Prophet Samuel's Tomb (now a mosque) where we climbed to the roof to see the most amazing 360 degree view of the city. While up there, we were able to hear a call to prayer as well. Just wow.

At night, I found myself alone for dinner since my roommate went out with her fellows from her grant group. I decided to stroll down to the Mamilla Mall beside Jaffa Gate and try a little Italian restaurant with a piazza-style cafe. My table was under twinkly lights and the Old City walls were to my right. It was heavenly! (And, since it was the first actual meal I had had since Amsterdam, it was delicious too!) I just sat and thought about this life and what all it encompasses. I cannot begin to express how undeserving I feel of all of this and how determined I am to soak in every possible second. 

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